Jurnal Husin

Solo Exhibition:-

Husin Othman

9th November – 28th November 2020

Core Design Gallery, Subang Jaya


*Click on images to zoom in

After Husin Othman’s well received first solo Nostalgia Timur at Maya Gallery Singapore, Husin tantalises the Malaysian audience with his latest series Jurnal Husin, where he takes his painterly skills to another level by drawing with wet media.

Born in the same state as Lat, which is Perak, Husin was very much influenced by Lat’s Kampung Boy that chronicles around the life of a boy in the 1950s. Similar in context but different in time and space, Jurnal Husin illustrates the happenings in a kampung life in the year 2020. The question that arises was there a huge paradigm shift between the two eras.

Jurnal Husin seems to poise for a self reflection especially during this pandemic times, whether urban or kampung life is not so different after all as we are definitely spending more quality time with ourselves and our loved ones.
