4th Solo Show by M Shafarin Ghani

Though his first solo exhibition carries the title ‘oeuvre’, Shafarin’s Oeuvre of Movement No. 1 marks but one chapter of the artist’s life that still has many pages yet to be filled. Taking over a year of soul searching and meticulous research in order to complete; When first introduced by the artist, the world immediately took notice of how the colors of Oeuvre of Movement No. 1 could alter our inner psyche and also toy with our psychological emotions. Truly Shafarin has taken his favored subject, the seascapes, to an entirely different level.  Oeuvre of Movement No. 1 was but only the tip of an iceberg that was Shafarin’s artistic capabilities, enticing us with his talents and temptations of the possibilities he would present as an artist.

Be prepared to be impressed as Shafarin unveils his latest masterpiece in Oeuvre of Movement No. 2 – yang tersembunyi. This time, he draws inspiration far surpassing his inner calling and his outer surroundings.

This is THE show that will complete him as a true artist, poet, musician and painter. Oeuvre of Movement No. 2 will mark the brilliant pinnacle of his skills, where each and every artistic element within him blends together to produce 10 larger–than-life paintings that makes up the exhibition. Bear witness to the continuation as Shafarin pours his innermost emotions onto these 10 limited life sized imageries of the seascape, an endeavor that has took him over 5 years to string together.

Many have asked Shafarin of the true inspiration behind his affinity with seascapes as his subject of choice, with his artwork portraying the very images of the sea as imagined through his distorted imagination. As proof of his dedication to his craft, has spent more than a year meticulously and dedicatedly study how the colours affects the human emotions.

“My paintings are influenced by human emotions, and I think that the waves and the sky best captures that” – M Shafarin Ghani

