Title : Self Portrait- Self Maintenance
Size : 153cm x 122cm
Medium : Acrylic and Airbrush on Canvas
Size : 2013

Written by : Elaine Loh

This painting proves to be the very first self portrait undertaken by the artist and provides an insight into his surreal world – a realm of fantasy and imagination.
Illuminating against a stunning dark backdrop, this black-and-white painting personifies the artist’s mischievous spirit where he rekindles the merry-go-round whilst drawing on his fantasies of bizarre yet magnificent out-of-this world creatures and old traditions intertwined completely with our contemporaries.

Reminiscent of the famed Terminator, we are witness to the makings and transformation of Raja Lope, where the portrait gives the viewer behind-the-scenes glimpses into Raja Lope on his path of self-discovery and progression. Raja Lope displays his masterful play with colours to create the stunning dark backdrop while skillfully applies the airbrush giving a three dimensional effect to the painting, accentuating the different facets of his face becoming. Mechanical hands are shown at work, depicting Raja Lope’s hunger and continual urge for knowledge and innovation, hereby evidencing his commitment to excel in his domain. Surprisingly amidst the monotone black-and-white overlay, there lies dash of blue hues, signifying his evolution from an aspiring to a promising unprecedented surrealist of his own genre, never before in our Malaysian society.